Learn to Code

C sharp Naming Conventions To be Follow while Development.

C sharp Naming Conventions :-

Do These

             a) PascalCasing for class names and method names.

                                   Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

          b) camelCasing for method arguments and local variables.

                                   Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

          c) predefined type names instead of system type names like Int16, Single, UInt64, etc

                                         Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

            d)  noun or noun phrases to name a class.


                                      Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

          e) prefix interfaces with the letter I.  Interface names are noun (phrases) or adjectives.

                                    Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

            f) name source files according to their main classes.


                                     Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

         g) declare all member variables at the top of a class, with static variables at the very top.

                                  Why: consistent with the Microsoft's .NET Framework and easy to read.

Happy Programing

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